A SIMPLE HELLO COULD LEAD TO A MILLION THINGS :) A simple hello could lead to a million things :) A SIMPLE HELLO COULD LEAD TO A MILLION THINGS :) A simple hello could lead to a million things :) A SIMPLE HELLO COULD LEAD TO A MILLION THINGS :) A simple hello could lead to a million things :) A SIMPLE HELLO COULD LEAD TO A MILLION THINGS :) A simple hello could lead to a million things :) A SIMPLE HELLO COULD LEAD TO A MILLION THINGS :) A simple hello could lead to a million things :) A SIMPLE HELLO COULD LEAD TO A MILLION THINGS :) A simple hello could lead to a million things :)


Thursday, September 24, 2015

Youngster with Manners = R.I.P

*google image

Youngster.. manners.. manners.. youngster..
Something yang seems like dah tak match or dah tak ngam dah di era globalisasi ni.
Youngster here is the holder of the generation Y. Yang lahir antara tahun 1980 hingga awal tahun 2000. So, now agak2 diorang ni umur berapa sekarang ? Emm.. kira la sendiri. huhu.

But, no offense. I am 22 years old girl. So, automatically I'm in that category jugak.
Cik meow tak cakap semua, but segelintir. Tapi yeke segelintir ? Rasenye most of them.. hmm. tapi tak tahu lah bagi korang macam mne..

Actually, cik meow cakap pasal ape ni ?
I'm talking about manners among youngster. Adab, akhlak, moral atau yang sewaktu dengannye. It so sad when